Grass silage conservation

105MT of Grass silage was conserved from the farm cultivated/established temperate improved pasture from the second mass harvesting, which started from 29th August to 14th September 2022 filling 4 silo pits. All the conservation process has been carried out by the Pasture section of the Fodder unit under technical advice/support from the Pasture supervisor. The silage has been conserved naturally, without mixing any type of chemical or molasses and it was thoroughly compressed in order to expel air from the ensile pit by stamping on the pasture by the worker after each load. After filling the pit, all sides of the silo were kept airtight by placing a layer of plastic sheet on the sides and top followed by a layer of cattle feed bags. The sealing was lastly done by filling with soil/stones about half feet to let the silage ferment in anaerobic condition.

Finally, conserved silage has been kept for the fermentation process, which takes around two to three months to be ready for feeding during winter season.  

Field pictures of Grass silage conservation process:


Field pictures

Pasture harvesting(2nd harvest) 

Loading and transporting

Stamping of Pasture



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