About Dairy Information Management Sector

Overall Roles and Responsibilities

  • Knowledge Management: package technologies/research recommendations for dissemination
  • Popularize technologies and best practices through method/result demonstration and other methods
  • Develop, host, and update Centre’s website
  • Implement Animal Recording and web-based National Cattle Information System Management
  • Provide technical expertise in specialized areas for training and capacity building of field staff
  • Compile/prepare periodic progress reports, annual center reports, policy briefs, brochures/leaflets of the center

Roles and Responsibilities of Different Units Under Dairy  Communication Sector

Technology Packaging and Knowledge Management Unit

  1. Ensure packaging of technologies/research recommendations for dissemination
  2. Popularize technologies and best practices through method/result demonstration and other methods

Training and Skill Development Unit

  1. Provide technical expertise in specialized areas for training and capacity building of field staff
  2. Develop, host, and update Centre’s website

NCIS/Herd Health Monitoring Unit

  1. Printing and distribution of Bovine register and herd book as required in the field
  2. Procure ear tags, laser print the National Bovine Identification Number, and distribute to RLDCs, Dzongkhags, and Govt. farms
  3. Implement Animal Recording and manage web-based National Cattle Information System
  4. Estimate milk production in members of DFGs, Semi-commercial and commercial dairy farms vis-a-vis herd health management practices and recommend Good Management Practices.


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